Lidya. NFT Collection
Lidya Numismatic Collection (LNC) is a representative company in the ancient coin collection market, which has been launching Korea's first ancient coin collection since 2015 and has continued to hold exhibitions in Hong Kong, China, and Japan.
Lidya Collection plays an important role as the operator of the Arti Project for the field of ancient coins and NFT Art.
The Numismatic Collection is a collection of coins that have been circulated in currencies around the world, including old gold and silver, and its value is increasing every year due to the rarity that can no longer be produced.
Ancient rare Coin
According to the Coin 200 Index in the UK, it is considered a safe asset by showing a 248% price increase over the past decade and stable growth in the event of the 2008 global financial crisis. ( THE KNIGHT FRANK LUXURY INVESTMENT INDEX (KFLII) 2012, Performance of Stanley Gibbons GB250 Rarities Index and English Coin200 Index vs. Stock Markets, UK Property and Gold ).
Recently, it has been spotlighted as a new investment product that will go into the pockets of world-class art technology and NFT products.
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