
Now, in the digital era of Web 3.0, digital technology is grafted in all fields of society, culture, art, and economy, and the boundaries are gradually collapsing, and it is changing into a trend of change that integrates and converges with each other.

The emergence of blockchain technology

As the internet and digital speed of change are getting faster, transactions that were previously impossible due to time and space constraints become possible.

Blockchain was published in 2008 by Satoshi Nakamoto (pseudonym) “Bitcoin: A Peer to Peer Electronic Cash System” Bitcoin whitepaper: A short paper of less than 10 pages was published. Since then, numerous blockchains and cryptocurrencies have emerged to solve these problems and continue to evolve and develop. Since blockchain technology started with the concept of distributed ledger and encrypted data in the beginning, it has been able to contain various contract contents as well as transactions through smart contracts. Its scope of application can be said to be infinite.

However, most of the existing block chain technologies still have a lot of technical tasks to be solved in order to be selected by the public, and it seems that more time will be needed due to regulatory issues in the institutional system, etc.

Technologies and services have emerged. People around the world can partially own various assets, share and use them together, or easily tokenize and trade as a single item. is also creating.

Metaverse era

Metaverse is emerging as a new market where people can engage in social activities as in real life through the virtual world. In other words, it is a more advanced concept than simple virtual reality, and it is possible to create and exchange values ​​that occur in the real world by directly participating in the virtual world rather than just viewing virtual reality through the screen. In particular, it is attracting attention as a space to express diversity and inclusion, which are important to the MZ generation (those born between the early 1980s and early 2000s).

Problems and alternatives

Meanwhile, behind the spectacular growth of the metaverse market, there is a dark shadow of proof of ownership, the absence of an integrated platform for virtual reality and metaverse, and an unreasonable content revenue structure. In other words, when the value of goods traded in the market increases as the metaverse market grows, proof of ownership of the item is required. In addition, there is still a lack of a proper integrated platform that can bring together virtual reality users and metaverse contents. In addition to this, in addition to content sales, developers can make profits by utilizing the economic ecosystem configured in the metaverse, so attractive content must be abundantly supplied to the market.

In order to solve these problems, the ARTi Project promotes an NFT asset-based metaverse platform using blockchain technology, and aims to authenticate ownership, make transactions transparent, global securitization, and popularize NFT through NFT. It is a global NFT innovation project that experts in each field and digital creators participate in together.

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